DDPred API v1

Documentation for available endpoints


To access any endpoint, and for every call, you should pass on a JWT in the Authorization header as follows :

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

To get such token, you can either use the one we provided you, on the backend, or regularly get a temporary one for use on the frontend side, using the /login endpoint.

POST Login

This endpoint returns a JWT (JSON Web Token) that can be used as access token for every DDPred API enpoints

Parameters BODY

MIME type of parameters can either be x-www-for-urlencoded or application/json

username* string The username registered to access the DDPred API
password* string The password for the username provided


curl -X GET https://api.ddpred.com/login/api -d "username=<username>&password=<password>"
    "jwt": "string"


GET Drugs

This endpoint returns a list of all the drugs in the DDPred database


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' https://api.ddpred.com/drugs/
        "id": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "type": "string",
        "genotype": "string",
        "therapeutic_area": "string",
        "remarks": [{"type": "number", "text": "string"}]

GET Substrates

This endpoint returns a list of all the substrates in the DDPred database

Parameters QUERY

substratesOnly (optional) boolean (Defaults to true) If false, also returns substrates for which:
  • CYP metabolism is a minor pathway for the elimination of this drug. No relevant interaction with CYP inhibitors or inducers is expected. (type: not_substrate_1)
  • Glucuronidation is a major pathway for the elimination of this drug. No relevant interaction with CYP inhibitors is expected. Some inducers (e.g. rifampicin) may lower its exposure. (type: not_substrate_2)


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' https://api.ddpred.com/drugs/substrates
        "id": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "type": "string",
        "genotype": "string",
        "therapeutic_area": "string",
        "remarks": [{"type": "number", "text": "string"}]

GET Interactors

This endpoint returns a list of all the interactors in the DDPred database


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' https://api.ddpred.com/drugs/interactors
        "id": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "type": "string",
        "genotype": "string",
        "therapeutic_area": "string",
        "remarks": [{"type": "number", "text": "string"}]

GET Inducers

This endpoint returns a list of all the inducers in the DDPred database

Parameters QUERY

cyp* string CYP for which drugs should be inducers. Possible choices:
  • cyp3A4
  • cyp2D6
  • cyp2C9
  • cyp2C19
  • cyp1A2


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' https://api.ddpred.com/drugs/inducers?cyp=cyp2C9
        "id": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "type": "string",
        "therapeutic_area": "string",
        "remarks": [{"type": "number", "text": "string"}]

GET Inhibitors

This endpoint returns a list of all the inhibitors in the DDPred database

Parameters QUERY

cyp* string CYP for which drugs should be inhibitors. Possible choices:
  • cyp3A4
  • cyp2D6
  • cyp2C9
  • cyp2C19
  • cyp1A2


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' https://api.ddpred.com/drugs/inhibitors?cyp=cyp3A4
        "id": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "type": "string",
        "therapeutic_area": "string",
        "remarks": [{"type": "number", "text": "string"}]

GET Drug info

This endpoint returns all the information of a specific drug in the DDPred database

Parameters PARAM

id* string The hexadecimal string id of the drug in the database


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' https://api.ddpred.com/drugs/5ee79a2b869b3aba2a31468f/info
        "id": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "type": "string",
        "therapeutic_area": "string",
        "remarks": [{"type": "number", "text": "string"}],
        "genotype": "string",
        "cyp3A4": "number",
        "cyp2D6": "number",
        "cyp2C9": "number",
        "cyp2C19": "number",
        "cyp1A2": "number"



This endpoint computes the impact of drug-drug interactions on drug exposure.

Parameters BODY

MIME type of parameters can either be x-www-for-urlencoded or application/json

substrate* string The name of the substrate
interactor* string The name of the interactor
age (optional) integer The age in months of patients under 24 months (included). Patient will be considered adult if not specified.


curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' https://api.ddpred.com/predictor/ddi -d "substrate=Alprazolam&interactor=Aprepitant 80 mg/d"
    "ratios": [
            "name": "EM*/EM",
            "nameHtml": "AUCEM*/AUCEM",
            "results": [
                    "aucRatio": "string",
                    "distribution": {
                        "perc5": "string",
                        "perc95": "string"
                    "adverseEvents"?: [
                        "preferredTerm": string,
                        "oddsRatio": string,
                        "frequency": string,
                        "modifiedOddsRatio": string,
                        "modifiedFrequency": string,
                        "references": [{"text": string, "link": string}]
    "remarks": {"<substrate | interactor>": [{"type": "number", "text": "string"}]}

POST Polymorphism

This endpoint computes the impact of CYP polymorphism on drug exposure.

Parameters BODY

substrate* string The name of the substrate
age (optional) integer The age in months of patients under 24 months (included). Patient will be considered adult if not specified.
genotype (optional) string The genotype fo which to compute the ratio. If not specified, all genotypes will be considered.


curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' https://api.ddpred.com/predictor/polymorphism -d "substrate=Nebivolol"
    "ratios": [
            "name": "XM/EM",
            "nameHtml": "AUCXM/AUCEM",
            "results": [
                    "cyp": "string",
                    "genotype": "string",
                    "phenotype": "string",
                    "aucRatio": "string",
                    "distribution": {
                        "perc5": "string",
                        "perc95": "string"
                    "adverseEvents"?: [
                        "preferredTerm": string,
                        "oddsRatio": string,
                        "frequency": string,
                        "modifiedOddsRatio": string,
                        "modifiedFrequency": string,
                        "references": [{"text": string, "link": string}]
    "remarks": {"<substrate | interactor>": [{"type": "number", "text": "string"}]}

POST Cirrhosis

This endpoint computes the impact of cirrhosis on drug exposure.

Parameters BODY

substrate* string The name of the substrate
route* string The route of administration (Oral | IV)


curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' https://api.ddpred.com/predictor/cirrhosis -d "substrate=Midazolam&route=Oral"
    "ratios": [
            "name": "CuCIR/Cu",
            "nameHtml": "AUCuCIR/AUCu",
            "results": [
                    "childPugh": "A",
                    "aucRatio": "string",
                    "distribution": {
                        "perc5": "string",
                        "perc95": "string"
                    "childPugh": "B",
                    "aucRatio": "string",
                    "distribution": {
                        "perc5": "string",
                        "perc95": "string"
                    "childPugh": "C",
                    "aucRatio": "string",
                    "distribution": {
                        "perc5": "string",
                        "perc95": "string"
            "name": "CuCIR/Cu.Rfu",
            "nameHtml": "AUCCIR/AUC",
            "results": [
                    "childPugh": "A",
                    "aucRatio": "string",
                    "distribution": {
                        "perc5": "string",
                        "perc95": "string"
                    "adverseEvents"?: [
                        "preferredTerm": string,
                        "oddsRatio": string,
                        "frequency": string,
                        "modifiedOddsRatio": string,
                        "modifiedFrequency": string,
                        "references": [{"text": string, "link": string}]
                    "childPugh": "B",
                    "aucRatio": "string",
                    "distribution": {
                        "perc5": "string",
                        "perc95": "string"
                    "adverseEvents"?: [
                        "preferredTerm": string,
                        "oddsRatio": string,
                        "frequency": string,
                        "modifiedOddsRatio": string,
                        "modifiedFrequency": string,
                        "references": [{"text": string, "link": string}]
                    "childPugh": "C",
                    "aucRatio": "string",
                    "distribution": {
                        "perc5": "string",
                        "perc95": "string"
                    "adverseEvents"?: [
                        "preferredTerm": string,
                        "oddsRatio": string,
                        "frequency": string,
                        "modifiedOddsRatio": string,
                        "modifiedFrequency": string,
                        "references": [{"text": string, "link": string}]
    "remarks": {"<substrate | interactor>": [{"type": "number", "text": "string"}]}

POST DDI-Polymorphism

This endpoint computes the combined impact of drug-drug interaction and CYP polymorphism.

Parameters BODY

substrate* string The name of the substrate
interactor* string The name of the interactor
age (optional) integer The age in months of patients under 24 months (included). Patient will be considered adult if not specified.
genotype (optional) string The genotype fo which to compute the ratio. If not specified, all genotypes will be considered.


curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' https://api.ddpred.com/predictor/ddi-polymorphism -d "substrate=Alprazolam&interactor=Carbamazepine 200-600 mg/d&age=14&genotype=cyp2c19*17*17"
    "ratios": [
            "name": "XM*/XM",
            "nameHtml": "AUCXM*/AUCXM",
            "results": [

                    "cyp": "string",
                    "genotype": "string",
                    "phenotype": "string",
                    "aucRatio": "string",
                    "distribution": {
                        "perc5": "string",
                        "perc95": "string"
                    "adverseEvents"?: [
                        "preferredTerm": string,
                        "oddsRatio": string,
                        "frequency": string,
                        "modifiedOddsRatio": string,
                        "modifiedFrequency": string,
                        "references": [{"text": string, "link": string}]
            "name": "XM*/EM",
            "nameHtml": "AUCXM*/AUCEM",
            "results": [
                    "cyp": "string",
                    "genotype": "string",
                    "phenotype": "string",
                    "aucRatio": "string",
                    "distribution": {
                        "perc5": "string",
                        "perc95": "string"
                    "adverseEvents"?: [
                        "preferredTerm": string,
                        "oddsRatio": string,
                        "frequency": string,
                        "modifiedOddsRatio": string,
                        "modifiedFrequency": string,
                        "references": [{"text": string, "link": string}]
    "remarks": {"<substrate | interactor>": [{"type": "number", "text": "string"}]}

POST DDI-Cirrhosis

This endpoint computes the combined impact of drug-drug interaction and cirrhosis.

Parameters BODY

substrate* string The name of the substrate
interactor* string The name of the interactor


curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' https://api.ddpred.com/predictor/ddi-cirrhosis -d "substrate=Alprazolam&interactor=Carbamazepine 200-600 mg/d"
    "ratios": [
            "name": "CuCIR*/Cu",
            "nameHtml": "AUCuCIR*/AUCu",
            "results": [
                    "childPugh": "A",
                    "aucRatio": "string",
                    "distribution": {
                        "perc5": "string",
                        "perc95": "string"
                    "adverseEvents"?: [
                        "preferredTerm": string,
                        "oddsRatio": string,
                        "frequency": string,
                        "modifiedOddsRatio": string,
                        "modifiedFrequency": string,
                        "references": [{"text": string, "link": string}]
                    "childPugh": "B",
                    "aucRatio": "string",
                    "distribution": {
                        "perc5": "string",
                        "perc95": "string"
                    "adverseEvents"?: [
                        "preferredTerm": string,
                        "oddsRatio": string,
                        "frequency": string,
                        "modifiedOddsRatio": string,
                        "modifiedFrequency": string,
                        "references": [{"text": string, "link": string}]
                    "childPugh": "C",
                    "aucRatio": "string",
                    "distribution": {
                        "perc5": "string",
                        "perc95": "string"
                    "adverseEvents"?: [
                        "preferredTerm": string,
                        "oddsRatio": string,
                        "frequency": string,
                        "modifiedOddsRatio": string,
                        "modifiedFrequency": string,
                        "references": [{"text": string, "link": string}]
            "name": "CuCIR*/CuCIR",
            "nameHtml": "AUCuCIR*/AUCuCIR",
            "results": [
                    "childPugh": "A",
                    "aucRatio": "string",
                    "distribution": {
                        "perc5": "string",
                        "perc95": "string"
                    "adverseEvents"?: [
                        "preferredTerm": string,
                        "oddsRatio": string,
                        "frequency": string,
                        "modifiedOddsRatio": string,
                        "modifiedFrequency": string,
                        "references": [{"text": string, "link": string}]
                    "childPugh": "B",
                    "aucRatio": "string",
                    "distribution": {
                        "perc5": "string",
                        "perc95": "string"
                    "adverseEvents"?: [
                        "preferredTerm": string,
                        "oddsRatio": string,
                        "frequency": string,
                        "modifiedOddsRatio": string,
                        "modifiedFrequency": string,
                        "references": [{"text": string, "link": string}]
                    "childPugh": "C",
                    "aucRatio": "string",
                    "distribution": {
                        "perc5": "string",
                        "perc95": "string"
                    "adverseEvents"?: [
                        "preferredTerm": string,
                        "oddsRatio": string,
                        "frequency": string,
                        "modifiedOddsRatio": string,
                        "modifiedFrequency": string,
                        "references": [{"text": string, "link": string}]
    "remarks": {"<substrate | interactor>": [{"type": "number", "text": "string"}]}

Renal Impairment

GET Drugs

This endpoint returns a list of all the drugs in the DDPred database for the Renal Impairment module


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' https://api.ddpred.com/renal-impairment/drugs/
        "id": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "adaptation": "string",
        "recommendation": "string",
        "references": [{"text": "string", "link": "string"}]

POST AUC Variation

This endpoint computes the AUC variation in case of renal impairment.

Parameters BODY

drug* string The name of the drug as found in the database
clearance (optional) number The creatinine clearance in µmol/L
clearanceParameters (optional) object

If the clearance is not known, it can be computed using the following parameters.

age* number The age of the patient in years
gender* MALE | FEMALE The gender of the patient
creatininemia* number The creatininemia of the patient in µmol/L
height (optional) number The height of the patient in centimeters


curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://api.ddpred.com/renal-impairment/auc-variation -d '{ "drug": "Alprazolam", "clearanceParameters": { "age": 40, "gender": "FEMALE", "creatininemia": 834.1288 } }'
    "adaptationCategory": "NONE" | "RCP" | "PK" | "BOTH",
    "rauc?":  number,
    "recommendation": string,
    "references": [{"text": string, "link": string}],
    "adverseEvents"?: [
        "preferredTerm": string,
        "oddsRatio": string,
        "frequency": string,
        "modifiedOddsRatio": string,
        "modifiedFrequency": string,
        "references": [{"text": string, "link": string}]

Error codes


  "error": "Bad Request",
  "message": "...",
  "statusCode": 400


  "message": "Unauthorized",
  "statusCode": 401


  "name": "Forbidden",
  "statusCode": "403"


  "error": "Not Found",
  "message": "...",
  "statusCode": 404


  "name": "Internal Server",
  "statusCode": 500